Apéros Frenchies

In 2015, two French sisters, Marie Anne (aka May) and Eliz (Eliz) decided to unite the French diaspora in their new hometown: Frankfurt, Germany. Through travel, they realized how important it is to share Apéro’s culture, cooking tastes and excitement with others. This is how Apéros Frenchies was born! Apéros Frenchies now organizes monthly international after-get off work events and happy hours in cities around the world to gather French and international diasporas in 6 cities around the world. Their purpose is to introduce you to the most fashionable places and encourage everyone to join this unique community that is growing every day. What are you waiting for? Join their next event!


Event Fotografie Portfolio

Ihr Fotograf & Filmemacher im Rhein-Main-Gebiet
Frankfurt am Main – Mainz – Wiesbaden – Darmstadt

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